
What’s on the Bench?
Marc has been repairing chairs and just finished up a couple Guild projects (magazine rack and the knife block).
Matt tells us about his trip to Woodworking in America and he finally finished his wife’s bookcase.

Around the Web:
Clark sent us some great Puzzle Box Links.
Bruce Viney
YouTube Puzzle Video 1
YouTube Puzzle Video 2

Twitter Facebook Tips:
@treefrogfurnitu – Dull tools are dangerous tools
@SplinteredBoard – Don’t route end grain and slice open your hand
@RenaissanceWW – leave your checkbook at home when going to the marketplace at WIA
@chwmag – The ratio of measuring to cutting should be 2:1 (This tip is a paraphrase. Some else said it better.)
@WoodShepherd – Keep your fingers away from things that spin, have teeth, and make lots of noise.
@practiklyboring – Used foam brushes: let them dry, tear the foam off. You get a flat piece of plastic on a stick. Makes a good glue spreader.
@joshuasargent – Since I began woodworking, my dad relentlessly tells me that the #1 tip is to end up with as many fingers as I start with.
@John Bratton – Blue masking tape is your friend and start your Christmas gift building now…or pretty soon anyway

We heard a strong rumor that woodworking great, James Krenov, has passed away.
From JamesKrenov.com:
“The author of four crucial books for any serious woodworker, Krenov teaches a philosophy that has become a prerequisite for advanced cabinetry throughout the world. A recognized furniture maker in Sweden, he moved to Northern California in 1981, where he created and led the College of the Redwoods’ Fine Woodworking School. In his twenty years with the school he taught hundreds of eager students from around the world while continuing to build his own fine furniture. He retired from the college in 2002, but is still actively creating cabinets in his home woodshop. James Krenov is represented with works at museums in Sweden, Norway, Japan and the U.S.”

Feb 2007 Robert Lang Toured the College of the Redwoods

Are you attending Woodworking in America?

Sweet Deals:
The Wood Whisperer Giveaway
Chris Schwarz’s new book on sale at Lee Valley – $26 vs $34.50
Free shipping at Woodcraft.com on orders $50 or more until 9/30/09.
For those attending WIA PA workbench bundles of PA Ash are available…try getting that in your overhead if you’re flying!

From John:

I wanted to let you know that I will be attending Palomar College Woodworking School this fall enrolled in the CFT 100 fundamentals of Woodworking and the follow-up 105 course in the spring of 2010. You have been a big proponent of education and always learning new and better ways to do things. You even went to school yourself to learn from a master. So thanks for all your efforts and congratulations on all the things you have accomplished since I first started visiting your web site.

I will be doing a Blog of my 100 course at Palomar and it is listed below. I am very fortunate to be able to attend such a good school and learn things the correct way. I want to do this because other who want to attend may not be able to because of time, money and location. Please pass this link on to anyone who would be interested in following my course and learning with me. I will be posting my class notes and pictures and video’s each week. By the way Palomar College will enroll 180 students in the CFT 100 class. I guess that says Woodworking is making a big comeback. It is also the fastest growing division of the College.

Going to Woodworking School

Thanks again for all your help and advice. By the way pass this information on to your sponsors, I have bought several items based on your recommendations and ads.

John Fleming

Jeff has some advice about folding your bandsaw blade.

7 replies on “WT58”

Just one thing after watching (listening to) this video: THANKS Marc for your slow-and-clearly pronounced talking !!! It’s a challenge for me with most of other people, but it’s a pleasure hearing you! Great show, in any case.

Nice to have the show back after a well earned vacation. So sad to loose another legend, but what a full lfe he lived. I read that up until April he was still making planes-even so most of his vision was gone. That says Master when you can trust your hands to that extent, my heart goes out to his family.

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