WT275 – Travelin’ Matt

On today’s show we’re talking about finishing a project with nooks and crannies, using cut nails, and flattening a table base to accept the top.

What’s on the Bench?

  • Marc is making a Gaming Table
  • Shannon is restoring some old planes and hating it

What’s New?


  • Justin has a question about finishing a really intricate surface without getting pooling or brush strokes when spraying isn’t an option.
  • John wants to know when it is acceptable to use cut nails and when it is not.
  • Matt wants to know how we flatten a table base to get a clean fit with the table top.

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8 replies on “WT275 – Travelin’ Matt”

Assembly of a large object (Table, etc.) – If you have the table base/legs sitting on almost ANY floor(other than an engineered superflat concrete slab) that floor is going to be uneven, sometimes surprising so. The table will rock depending on what high/low point the legs are sitting. If you are really concerned, throw a level on the base and throw solid shims under the legs before you start making decisions as to re-flattening tops or table aprons.

They are worth a try but I bet they are probably harder and more brittle than typical cut nails and you won’t have the options in appearance and size that you do with nails made for wood. But I’ve often thought they would be worth a try.

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