WT204 – Nicole in Reverse

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On today’s show, we’re talking about online etiquette, fixes for cheap plywood, and batch cutting dovetails by hand.

What’s on the Bench?

– Marc – Admired the set design at BlizzCon. TWWLive will be this Friday at 1pm Eastern.
– Matt – Picking up supplies for an upcoming small project/Holiday gifts.
– Shannon – Lots of editing and going into testing mode.

What’s New

Froglube Lubricant and Rust Preventative
Making It Podcast

Poll of the Week

Getting Shop-Blocked


– Derek has a suggestion for the bowed and twisted boards mentioned in Wood Talk #203.
– Pierre has an idea for shop-made hard sanding pads.
– Walter and Michael suggest Bosch Hard ROS Sanding Pad.


– Joe is curious about how we handle correcting bad practices posted in online forums.
– Matt is using cheap materials and having issues as a result.
– Shaun is trying to batch out hand-cut dovetails.

Reviews and Thanks!

Are you interested in setting up a recurring donation to help support the show? Use the links in the left column! We’d like to thank David Watson and Jeffrey Kibler as well as everyone else for their continued support.

Don’t forget to leave us a kick-butt review in the iTunes Store.

9 replies on “WT204 – Nicole in Reverse”

Did I catch that one of you are from Muskegon, MI?? That’s where I live and I don’t here about people from here much. Any advice on where to get good quality lumber in this area? Thanks,

I get my lumber from an auction site south of Grand Rapids..bidding on some white oak and walnut as we speak. I also have a couple of sawyers that I get green wood from. Hopefully the won’t catch on to their low prices. There are also a couple of independents, one north of GR and one in Hudsonville. May still be a stretch. Craigslist has a guy in Muskegon that just has some great looking spalted / wormy maple, $3.00 BF. I get to take road trips for work now and again so I have a couple of other places I stop at on the way. Not sure if I like the wood or the hunt for it LOL.

Bob you’re giving away all of our secrets…or at least the ones I would hopefully eventually get from you with free chortles and stickers (that I steal from Marc when he’s not looking.)

Sadly Chris I wish we had some place close by, but we don’t really. Most of my lumber either comes from mail-order services like Bell Forest or by ordering it through Johnson’s Lumber out of Charlotte.

I’ve been happy with both options, but when you need a few board feet or want something extra special, it’s a little frustrating to say the least.

As I was listening to this episode, I was on my way to a body shop to get the rear end of my wife’s car looked at. She had backed into the car across the street getting out of our driveway. Add another person to the list of those who can’t back up!

I just got turned on to this show and I’m interested to know how these three guys got together. I know Marc is in AZ. and it sounds like one guy is from Musk. MI, don’t know where Matt is from, so is this a YouTube relationship or did they work together at some point

Hey Keith. Here’s the quick version. Matt started his podcast in 2006 and I started mine soon after. No one else was doing this stuff at the time so it was easy to find one another. I approached Matt about doing a show together and Wood Talk was born. A couple years later Shannon got on our radar when he started his own podcast and when we decided we wanted a third host, we gave him a shot. It’s been one big smelly love fest since then. I’m in AZ, matt is in MI, and Shannon is in Maryland.

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